Customized solutions from HangOn allowed Lindab to automate most of its coating process and increase hanging density by eight.
Pål Abrahamsson, Technical Manager at Lindab, Sweden
Lindab Profil AB has collaborated with HangOn for more than 20 years. Initially they only purchased standardized hooks. Today, specialized hangers and select masking are provided to all Lindab Group coating facilities.
“In 2009, when planning a new powder-coating line for rainwater system components, HangOn developed a hanging method with specially designed shafts for multi-hanging. It increased hanging density three to eight times, depending on component size. This meant that most of the process could be automated, saving time and money”, says Pål Abrahamsson.
“The old lines ran 24 hours a day, with the new line one extended shift is enough. It is larger but the real difference is the smart hanging system.”
In 2014–2015, Lindab s.r.o. in The Czech Republic wanted to improve the hanging method for small components. HangOn delivered yet another smart solution, making it possible to pre-hang components on frames. This increased density by 70 % and two/three shifts could be reduced to a single long shift.
In 2016, Lindab Götene AB started a powder-coating line and got in touch with HangOn who quickly provided several solutions for shaft hanging of heating and cooling panels maximizing density. “HangOn is a reliable partner for efficient hanging solutions. Our relationship with the family goes way back. We know that HangOn offers great products, technical capacity, fast deliveries and high flexibility. As soon as challenges arise, we contact them, and if necessary they develop special tools. They are skilled and experienced, have the know-how and respond quickly, and know us well.”
“The future holds great potential. We aim to optimize the products we already use. More components will be hung, and more automation is necessary.”
Pål Abrahamsson, Technical Manager at Lindab, Sweden